Cooperative Review - Member newsletter for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative

Member newsletter for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative

Preparing to vote: Annual Meeting

SMECO conducts an annual members’ meeting each year for the purpose of electing directors and voting on bylaw changes. As a customer, you are a member and have the right to vote.

All ballots will be mailed, so it’s important to make sure we have up-to-date contact information for you so that you receive your election materials.

To update your mailing information:

  • Call 1-888-440-3311 and speak with one of our representatives.
  • Account Manager: to use Account Manager, click on “Sign In” at Log in with your password and user name. (Click Enroll New https://www.smeco.coopUser to begin the setup process if you are a new user.) Select “View/Update Account Info” and update your information.
  • If you have multiple account addresses, call SMECO to designate the one where you would like to receive your annual meeting ballot.