Member newsletter for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative

SMECO adds additional skilled linemen to the team

In 2019, four new recruits began SMECO’s Apprentice Lineman’s Training Program—a four-year course of study and rigorous training—to fulfill their aspirations of becoming skilled journeymen linemen. Through countless hours of study and practice, they acquired the necessary technical knowledge and physical skills, learning to work efficiently and safely at great heights.


Transform the member experience

SMECO has kicked off initiatives for the 2023–2027 Strategic Plan, which is comprised of five pillars: Transform the Member Experience; Build a Smarter Grid; Engage, Empower, and Equip Employees; Lead Sustainably in Our Community; and Innovate and Grow. These pillars create a framework for your cooperative to advance its vision to sustainably energize Southern Maryland. SMECO strives to provide superior customer service, working continually to anticipate member needs and improve their experience. Our customers—our members—come first, and that is represented in the initiatives outlined in the pillars.

Member experience 

Reminder: keep utility poles clear 

Posting signs or attaching items to utility poles is against the law (Annotated Code of Maryland, § 6-303) and poses a safety hazard for SMECO linemen who climb the poles for maintenance or repairs.

Utility poles

Summer safety tips 

Overhead power lines carry high voltages and maintain only a coating of insulation to protect them from weathering. If your body or anything you are touching comes in contact with the power line, the results could be fatal. Electricity will course through your equipment and you, and that current can heat up and burn the tissue inside the body. If you become the easiest path to ground, the results could be deadly.

Safety tips

Standard Offer Service rate update

Total residential Standard Offer Service (SOS) rate for June: $0.088444 per
kilowatt-hour (kWh).

  • Summer Residential Energy Charge: $0.0949 per kWh
  • June Residential Power Cost Adjustment (PCA): ($0.006546) per kWh

SOS rate

Energy efficiency tip of the month

Summer is a prime opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. To reduce home energy use, avoid using your oven and use a grill instead. Not only will cooking outdoors eliminate the electricity used to power the stove, but it will also avoid raising the temperature inside your home, reducing the need for air conditioning or cooling. You can also avoid using the oven with tasty no-bake recipes. Get creative in the kitchen (or the backyard) and find new ways to save energy!


Community Calendar

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