Member newsletter for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative


Consolidated Statements of Revenue and Expenses

Years Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021
($000 omitted)

  2022 2021 Increase
Operating Revenue
   Sales of electricity $499,136 $393,541 $105,595
   Other 46,433 48,267 (1,834)
      Total operating revenue 545,569 441,808 103,761
Operating and Interest Expenses
   Purchased power and power production 327,651 229,380 98,271
   Transmission 4,785 4,635 150
   Distribution – operation and maintenance 37,400 33,805 3,595
   Customer accounts, service and information 36,997 38,354 (1,357)
   Administrative and general 41,353 38,859 2,494
   Depreciation and amortization 44,922 42,695 2,227
   Taxes (property, sales, payroll, etc.)and other 20,824 19,530 1,294
   Interest on long-term debt and other interest 25,277 24,388 889
      Total operating and interest expenses 539,209 431,646 107,563
   Net operating margins 6,360 10,162 (3,802)
   Other patronage allocations and nonoperating margins 6,349 13,983 (7,634)
      Net margins $12,709 $24,145 $ (11,436)

Consolidated Balance Sheets

December 31, 2022 and 2021
($000 omitted)

  2022 2021 Increase
Assets (What we own)
    Cash and temporary investments $4,331 $5,277 $(946)
    Accounts receivable, net 84,046 57,571 26,475
    Materials and supplies inventory 18,961 14,992 3,969
    Prepaid, deferred, regulatory and other assets 210,188 160,494 49,694
    Investments in associated organizations and other 23,695 25,941 (2,246)
    Net utility plant 878,049 857,633 20,416
    Nonutility property 2,811 2,934 (123)
        Total assets $1,222,081 $1,124,842 $97,239
Liabilities (What we owe)
    Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities $70,594 $101,241 $(30,647)
    Notes payable 48,000 92,200 (44,200)
    Customer deposits 6,761 6,799 (38)
    Deferred credits 39,260 12,019 27,241
    Long-term debt
        CFC 207,537 216,064 (8,527)
        CoBank 400,073 264,944 135,129
        Private Placement 123,454 126,200 (2,746)
        FFB 9,183 9,875 (692)
          Total liabilities 904,862 829,342 75,520
Members’ Equity (Net worth)
    Capital and accumulated margins 355,452 348,333 7,119
    Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income (38,233) (52,833) 14,600
        Total liabilities and members’ equity $1,222,081 $1,124,842 $97,239

Facts and Figures

Years Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021

  2022 2021
Miles of Line in Service 10,542 10,473
Number of Meters in Place 173,390 171,122
Average Number of Meters per Mile 16.4 16.3
Average Number of New Connections per Month
(net of retired service)
189 178
Total Megawatt-Hour Sales
    Residential 2,236,761 2,225,670
    Commercial 1,193,672 1,193,555
    Street lights 8,614 9,244
    Transmission 52,097 50,389
        Total sold to members 3,491,144 3,478,858
Property Taxes ($000 omitted)
    Calvert County  $2,170  $2,103
    Charles County 6,478 6,091
    Prince George’s County 974 794
    St. Mary’s County 2,730 2,492
        Total property tax expense  $12,352  $11,480
Loans to Date ($000 omitted)
    Total amount drawn on loans  $1,313,326  $1,163,326
    Less total amount repaid on loans (573,079) (545,787)
        Total due to lenders  $740,247  $617,539
Payments Made ($000 omitted)
    Principal  $27,292  $25,299
    Interest and other fees  $24,308  $23,261
Electric Expenses: Purchased Power, 60.8%; Operations, 22.8%; Depreciation, 8.3%; Interest, 4.6% Taxes, 3.5%.
Electric Revenue. Residential: 67.5% ($337,175,400); Commercial: 30.9% ($154,177,126); Transmission: 1.0% ($4,881,836); Street Lights: 0.6% ($2,901,430).

SOS Rate