Member newsletter for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative

Local organizations benefit from SMECO donations

SMECO received a $10,000 contribution from CoBank to award to local organizations that SMECO has supported with matching funds. Each of the following will receive $2,500: Calvert County Meals on Wheels; Charles County Meals on Wheels; St. Mary’s County Home Delivered Meals Program; and the Clements Cuties Foundation.

Sonja Cox, SMECO president and CEO (left) and Natalie Cotton, SMECO government affairs and community relations director (right) present a check to Danielle Manalansan and Lori Jennings-Harris, St. Mary’s County Home Delivered Meals Program.


Shirl Hendley, president, Calvert County Meals on Wheels, honored SMECO with a Certificate of Special Recognition for outstanding support.


Jean Langley, route coordinator, Charles County Meals on Wheels, is presented with a check for $2,500.


The Clements Cuties Foundation received a $2,500 check in addition to having SMECO employees compete in the charity’s main softball game event, pictured here.