Vol74-9 September 2024
Member newsletter for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
Waldorf substation hits two big milestones this summer
Construction on a new substation being built in Waldorf hit two major milestones this summer when SMECO received and installed two new 20/37 megavolt-amp (MVA) transformers and the control house shell.
Waldorf Substation hits two milestones
Do Not Transfer list protects utility customers
SMECO members now have the option to join our Do Not Transfer list, a benefit provided by new consumer protection regulations. This list ensures that your electricity supplies remain provided by SMECO unless you give explicit consent to switch to an alternate supplier. Once added, your placement on the list is indefinite. Should you decide to switch to another provider in the future, simply request removal from the list beforehand.
Sign up to join the Do Not Transfer list by calling 888-440-3311 or visit smeco.coop/choice.
Journeyman linemen complete training program
SMECO celebrated the graduation of apprentice group 23 in July.
Journeyman linemen complete training
Plant the right tree in the right place
Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs. Consider electric equipment near your home and the future of your plantings.
SMECO team aids in osprey rescue
On July 23, SMECO’s customer care center received a call from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) asking for help for an osprey in distress. DNR found the raptor on top of a pole on Renner Road in Waldorf, with its leg trapped in debris. Osprey are large birds of prey with a wingspan that can reach up to six feet across. Add in their sharp, hooked beaks and long talons, and you know that members of your cooperative team went above and beyond on this rescue mission. SMECO employees were able to cut the bird loose and bring it to the ground, holding it safely in a mesh bag. They then turned the osprey over to DNR to have its health checked out.
Standard Offer Service rate tracker
Total residential Standard Offer Service (SOS) rate for August: $0.090585
per kilowatt-hour (kWh).
• Summer Residential Energy Charge: $0.0874 per kWh
• August Residential Power Cost Adjustment (PCA): $0.003185 per kWh
SMECO’s PCA for August was 3.7 percent of the current average annual
base energy.
Community Calendar
Find out about upcoming events in Southern Maryland.