Information for HVAC Contractors

Are you looking to set your business apart and offer your customers high-efficiency HVAC or water heating equipment? Partnering with SMECO can help you do exactly that! Simply fill out our survey to get started!

Once you’re a part of the program, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Incentives on high-efficiency equipment that you can pass on to your customers.
  • Capitalize on the credibility of the ENERGY STAR® brand.
  • Distinguish yourself as an installer of cost-saving equipment.

Questions? Email for more information!

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High Efficiency Equipment

New Eligibility Requirements

The equipment below installed on or after 1/1/23 must meet the New Efficiency Requirements.

Equipment Type Existing 2022 Efficiency Requirements NEW 2023 Efficiency Requirements
Central Air Conditioner Tier 1-Split System ≥16 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 15.2 SEER2 and ≥ 12.0 EER2
Central Air Conditioner Tier 1-Single Package ≥16 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 15.2 SEER2 and ≥ 11.5 EER2
Central Air Conditioner Tier 2-Split System ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 16.9 SEER2 and ≥ 12.4 EER2
Central Air Conditioner Tier 2-Single Package ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 16.9 SEER2 and ≥ 11.5 EER2
Existing or New Eligibility Requirements

The equipment below installed up through 6/30/23 can meet either the Existing or New Efficiency Requirements. All heat pumps installed on or after 7/1/23 must meet the New Efficiency Requirements.

Starting 10/1/23 through 12/24/23 we are dropping EER/EER2 minimum efficiency requirements for all air source heat pumps, Single and Multi-zone HP mini splits. All units listed in the chart below will only need to meet SEER/SEER2 and HSPF/HSPF2 requirements.

Equipment Type Existing 2022 Efficiency Requirements NEW 2023 Efficiency Requirements
Central Air Conditioner Tier 1-Split System ≥16 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 15.2 SEER2 and ≥ 12.0 EER2
Central Air Conditioner Tier 1-Single Package ≥16 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 15.2 SEER2 and ≥ 11.5 EER2
Central Air Conditioner Tier 2-Split System ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 16.9 SEER2 and ≥ 12.4 EER2
Central Air Conditioner Tier 2-Single Package ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER ≥ 16.9 SEER2 and ≥ 11.5 EER2
ASHP Or Ducted Mini Splits Tier 1- Split System ≥16 SEER and ≥12.5 EER and ≥9.0 HSPF ≥ 15.2 SEER2 and ≥ 11.7 EER2 and ≥ 7.8 HSPF2
ASHP Or Ducted Mini Splits Tier 1- Single Package ≥16 SEER and ≥12.5 EER and ≥9.0 HSPF ≥ 15.2 SEER2 and ≥ 10.6 EER2 and ≥ 7.2 HSPF2
ASHP Or Ducted Mini Splits Tier 2- Split Package ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER and ≥ 9.5 HSPF ≥ 16.9 SEER2 and ≥ 12.0 EER2 and ≥ 8.2 HSPF2
ASHP Or Ducted Mini Splits Tier 2- Single Package ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER and ≥ 9.5 HSPF ≥ 16.9 SEER2 and ≥ 12.0 EER2 and ≥ 8.2 HSPF2
Ductless HP Single Zone Unit ≥18 SEER and ≥12.5 EER and ≥ 9.0 HSPF ≥ 18 SEER2 and ≥ 12.5 EER2 and ≥ 8.1 HSPF2
Ductless HP Multi Zone Unit ≥15.5 SEER and ≥12.5 EER and ≥ 8.6 HSPF ≥ 15.5 SEER2 and ≥ 12.5 EER2 and ≥ 7.8 HSPF2
Geothermal Heat Pump (closed loop) ≥ 17.1 EER & ≥ 3.6 COP ≥ 17.1 EER & ≥ 3.6 COP
No Changes to Eligibility Requirements
Equipment Type Existing 2022 Efficiency Requirements NEW 2023 Efficiency Requirements
Smart Thermostat ENERGY STAR® Certified Smart Thermostat No Changes
Heat Pump Water Heater ENERGY STAR Certified Models No Changes
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EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. Learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate.