Do you want to save energy and save money? The EmPOWER Maryland initiative aims to reduce energy use in the state each year. SMECO’s EmPOWER Maryland programs help customer-members save energy.
Check this page periodically for information about new programs and shop our online store to start saving now.
Rebates for Your Home
- Rebates for Appliances
Smart Thermostat and Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater - Appliance Recycling Rebates
- Rebates for Residential Heating and Cooling
Make Your Home Energy Efficient
- Smart Thermostat Program
- Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program
- ENERGY STAR® for New Homes
- Home Energy Improvement Program
- Complimentary Energy Efficiency Kit
- Energy Target Program
You can also view our videos on ways to save energy, with tips for summer and winter:
Go Online to Grow Your Energy Savings
Energy Efficiency Curriculum for Schools & Students
Incentives for Your Business
Financing Options
Take Advantage of Available Financing
Interested in financing opportunities to complete energy efficiency upgrades? Loan options have been created specifically for Maryland residents performing home improvements through the Home Energy Improvement Program (HEIP) or Heating and Cooling rebates. You may qualify for the following financing programs:
Clean Energy Advantage (CEA) Loan
Offers qualifying Maryland homeowners low-interest loans on recommended home upgrades. Loans for qualified applicants are offered at 0% interest for the first 12 months. Find out if you qualify.
BeSMART Energy Efficiency Financing
Offers qualifying Maryland homeowners a loan of up to $30,000 on home upgrades at 4.99% interest for a 10-year term. Find out if you qualify for the BeSMART program.
Home owners can apply for a BeSMART Energy Efficiency Loan to finance the cost of energy efficiency improvements. BeSMART is an unsecured loan based on verification of credit and ability to pay. You can apply if you match the following loan requirements.
BeSMART Loan Eligibility Requirements
- Maryland homeowner
- Credit score of 640 or greater
- Debt to income ratio that does not exceed 50%
SMECO does not endorse any particular financing organization. Please research options before submitting a financing application.
EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. Learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate.
EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. Learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate.