SMECO will follow the guidelines of COMAR regarding Winter Terminations.
From November 1 through March 31, SMECO will attempt to contact members who have been mailed a Notice of Termination. SMECO will telephone the member or visit the household to be sure the notice has been received.
If the member has no telephone, SMECO will make a second visit to the household if no one is home at the time of the first visit. When a visit is made to the household, SMECO will leave a copy of the Notice of Termination and a written explanation of the member’s winter service protection rights, including payment assistance plans.
If personal contact is made, SMECO will discuss with the member possible sources of financial aid, alternate payment plans, and available payment assistance plans.
Temperature Weather Restrictions
Based on the utility’s designated weather station area, a utility may not terminate service to a residential member because of nonpayment if the 6 a.m. weather forecast predicts temperatures will reach no higher than 32º F on any one of the ensuing 3 days.
Based on the utility’s designated weather station area, a utility may not terminate service to a residential member because of nonpayment if the 6 a.m. weather forecast predicts temperatures will reach 95º F or above on any one of the ensuing 3 days.