The customer has the option to assign payment to the contractor or another third party. SMECO requires the customer’s signature approving payment in either case.
Business Solutions FAQ - Service Providers
Information for Service Providers can be found at the Trade Ally page, including details on how to get involved in the Service Provider program and get your business listed in the Service Provider directory. Once you join, you become part of the Service Provider mailing list through which you will receive regular updates on the Business Solutions program. SMECO also offers periodic seminars on how best to use the program to help your customers.
Service Providers who have submitted an application, participated in program training, and undergone reference checks are listed here. SMECO does not recommend, qualify, or otherwise approve these contractors for participation. SMECO does not warrant or guarantee any work or equipment installed by a Service Provider.
If you are a Service Provider and would like to participate in one of the training seminars, email SMECO Business Solutions.