Customer Choice

Under customer choice, electricity suppliers other than SMECO may offer to sell you electricity. The Co-op will continue to distribute the power and to maintain and service the electric lines. SMECO will still read the meter and bill you for electric distribution service.

SMECO will also provide electricity to customers who do not wish to choose another supplier. Rates for this supply, known as Standard Offer Service, are regulated by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC).

The Basics

Most customers in Maryland have the power to choose their energy supplier for their electricity. Below is a brief introduction to customer choice.

Consumer Education

The state of Maryland has resources available to help consumers learn about customer choice. You can look up electricity suppliers in SMECO’s service area and find basics about shopping for suppliers.

For information on choice-related topics and programs, you may visit the Maryland state website. Residential consumer protection issues or complaints may be directed to the Maryland Office of People’s Counsel at (800) 207-4055 or via their Office of People’s Counsel website.

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Standard Offer Service

  • SMECO’s Standard Offer Service (SOS) rate is the cost you pay for power. SMECO provides electricity to members at cost, with no markup
  • SMECO does not generate electricity; the Co-op purchases power on behalf of its members
  • SMECO is a non-profit cooperative, committed to delivering electricity at the lowest possible price

You pay only for the energy you use. On your monthly SMECO bill look under “Standard Offer Service” to see the amount you pay for energy.

Residential Standard Offer Service Rates

On your bill, the Energy Charge is the base SOS rate.

Season Energy Charge (per kilowatt-hour (kWh))
Summer (5 months) May through September $0.0874
Winter (7 months) October through April $0.0854
Average annual base SOS rate $0.0862

The total SOS rate includes the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA). The PCA is sometimes a charge and sometimes a credit. Add the base SOS rate with the PCA to get the total SOS rate (your price to compare for electricity supply). 8.54 + 0.6684 = 9.2084 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

For February 2025

Base SOS Rate (energy charge) PCA (charge for February) Total SOS Rate (price to compare)
$0.0854 $0.006684 $0.092084

Price to Compare Calculator

Use the calculator below to estimate your energy charges, based on the rates in effect as of December 1, 2024.

The amounts shown are to help you compare electric supply prices. They do not represent your total SMECO bill. The calculator is intended to be used for illustration purposes only. SMECO is not responsible for any errors that may result from using this calculator.

Examples of Costs for Different Customers

The tables below show SMECO’s current rates. Remember, your electric bill is based on the amount of energy you use. Some customers use more, some use less.


Price to Compare – Total SOS Rate – $0.092084

Monthly kWh Usage February 2025
1,000 $92.08
1,200 $110.50
1,500 $138.13

General Service Small – Commercial

Price to Compare – Total SOS Rate – $0.094354

Monthly kWh Usage February 2025
18,500 $1,745.55
385,000 $36,326.29

General Service Medium – Commercial

Price to Compare – Total SOS Rate – $0.090130

The Price to Compare is based on 50 kW and 18,500 kWh, which is the average usage for General Service Medium customers.

The rate per kWh is a tiered rate which changes based on usage (kWh) and demand (kW).

Monthly kWh Usage Monthly kWh Demand February 2025
18,500 50 $1,667.40
385,000 750 $32,991.63

General Service Large – Commercial

Price to Compare – Total SOS Rate – $0.088406

The Price to Compare is based on 50 kW and 18,500 kWh, which is the average usage for General Service Large customers.

The rate per kWh is a tiered rate which changes based on usage (kWh) and demand (kW).

Bill Examples:

Monthly kWh Usage Monthly kWh Demand February 2025
18,500 50 $1,635,51
385,000 750 $31,903.68

12-Month Trailing Average (Residential Service)

Trailing Averages for Other Rate Schedules

Month/Year SOS Energy Rate PPCA Energy Rate Total Rate Trailing 12-month Average Updated 12-month Average
03/2024 $0.0854 -$0.000049 $0.085351    
04/2024 $0.0854 $0.001763 $0.087163    
05/2024 $0.0874 -$0.001153 $0.086247    
06/2024 $0.0874 -$0.001392 $0.086008    
07/2024 $0.0874 -$0.001095 $0.086305   $0.083564
08/2024 $0.0874 $0.003185 $0.090585 $0.083564 $0.084382
09/2024 $0.0874 $0.003526 $0.090926 $0.084382 $0.084940
10/2024 $0.0854 $0.004661 $0.090061 $0.084940 $0.085861
11/2024 $0.0854 $0.004295 $0.089695 $0.085861 $0.086785
12/2024 $0.0854 $0.003877 $0.089277 $0.086785 $0.087447
01/2025 $0.0854 $0.005051 $0.090451 $0.087447 $0.087834
02/2025 $0.0854 $0.006684 $0.092084 $0.087834 $0.088679