New Construction

Here are the four service types covered on this page:

  • Residential 200 Amp (standard service)
  • Residential 350 Amp or greater
  • Commercial or Residential Developer
  • Data Center

All customers should review the information below. For 350-amp service, commercial facilities, and residential developers, additional information is included at the bottom of the page.

Meter Bases

Electricians who install wiring and electric panels in homes and commercial facilities can purchase a SMECO meter base at their local electric supply house.

Vendors continue to manufacture the meter bases to meet SMECO’s specifications, and each one is embossed with SMECO’s name. Contractors who work in areas served by different utilities must be sure to install the appropriate meter base in each utility’s service area. If a contractor installs a meter base that does not comply with the Co-op’s requirements and does not have the embossed SMECO name, SMECO will not install an electric meter.

Emergency Disconnect Switches

Article 230 of the 2020 National Electrical Code includes a requirement (230.85 Emergency Disconnects) to provide safety for firefighters and other first responders. The requirement applies to new one- and two-family dwellings. An emergency disconnect must be installed in a “readily accessible outdoor location” so first responders can cut the power during a house fire or other event. Your local electrical board or inspection agency should provide details regarding the adoption of this requirement.

SMECO will not approve or connect service to any enclosure that houses both the meter base and disconnect device; the emergency service disconnect must be a separate device, not part of the meter base. A service point arrangement where the service disconnect is part of the meter base will not be connected; it must be replaced with an approved SMECO meter base at the expense of the electrician or customer. (Posted April 29, 2020)

Section 230.85, Emergency Disconnects:

For one- and two-family dwelling units, all service conductors shall terminate in disconnecting means having a short-circuit current rating equal to or greater than the available fault current, installed in a readily accessible outdoor location. If more than one disconnect is provided, they shall be grouped. Each disconnect shall be one of the following:

(1) Service disconnects marked as follows: emergency disconnect, service disconnect ;(2) Meter disconnects installed per 230.82(3) and marked as follows: emergency disconnect, meter disconnect, not service equipment; (3) Other listed disconnect switches or circuit breakers on the supply side of each service disconnect that are suitable for use as service equipment and marked as follows: emergency disconnect, not service equipment. Markings shall comply with 110.21(B).

Local Electric Supply Houses

Applying for Service

Apply early. We’ll need time to engineer your electric service, acquire right-of-way, and order equipment.

If you’re building a home, call SMECO’s service department as soon as the footers are in. Remember that the meter on your home must be located outside on the corner of the dwelling closest to where the electric service enters the property. Meters must be accessible to SMECO at all times, not located behind a fence or in a garage.

Customers who need standard residential 200-amp service can call SMECO at (888) 440-3311.

Residential Service, 350 Amp or Greater

In addition to the requirements listed above, you must complete the Electric Service Request Information Requirements and Form. Mail the form to the address on Page 1 of the document, or scan the form and send it by email: Email SMECO CS Requests.

Commercial Facilities or Developers of Residential Properties

In addition to the requirements listed above, you must review our Guide. It provides detailed information and instructions on how to establish new electric service. The Electric Service Request Information Requirements and Form must be completed. Mail the form to the address listed in the document, or scan the form and send it by e-mail: Email SMECO CS Requests.

If you’re building a commercial establishment, call SMECO as soon as your plans have been approved by the planning and zoning officials.


The customer is responsible for installing conduit before and after the transformer for all new or revised commercial service requests.

Fault Current Request

To request a Fault Current letter, please fill out and submit the form below.

Data Center icon