David A. Cross, Jr. was appointed to the SMECO Board of Directors in April 2024 as one of the two representatives from Prince George’s County. He is a member of the Board's Public Relations Committee and the Policy, Audit and Budget Committee.
The Brandywine resident and Gwynn Park graduate is the manager and owner of R & D Cross, Inc.—a family-owned, farm supply business—as well as the manager of R & D Cross Custom Buildings. The family business has served Southern Maryland for 97 years and Cross has managed it since 1986.
Cross graduated from the University of Maryland in 1985 with a bachelor of arts in business administration and a minor in marketing. He earned his degrees while playing three years of collegiate baseball. Cross has served as a basketball referee for the past 35 years. He is president of the Maryland Basketball Officials Association (MBOA) and the Charles-St. Mary’s (CHASM) Baseball League. Cross is also a member of Prince George’s County Farm Bureau, and his family farm was named to the Maryland Governor’s Agricultural Hall of Fame in 2020. Cross is a member of Immanuel United Methodist Church in Baden.