SMECO recently received a $10,000 contribution from CoBank to award to local organizations that SMECO has supported with matching funds. Each of the following will receive $2,500: Christmas in April, Calvert County; Rebuilding Together Charles County; Christmas in April, St. Mary’s County; and Clements Cuties Foundation.
“The generous funding from SMECO and CoBank will be used to do projects on several houses during the 2023 Christmas in April season. We will be repairing roofs and houses, installing wheelchair ramps and performing many other improvements to ensure our folks have a warmer and safer environment to live in. It is important to note that we are a 100% volunteer organization. All funds will only go toward materials needed to accomplish our projects,” said Russell Bowie, President of Christmas in April Calvert County. Donations can be made online at their website.
Funds for Christmas in April St. Mary’s will be used to buy the materials needed to repair a project home. “We are so fortunate to have SMECO as one of our supporters,” said Darene Kleinsorgen, Executive Director.
The Clements Cuties Foundation raises awareness for childhood cancer and supports those with severe childhood illnesses. The Cuties originated in the 1970s and the traditional softball games for charity continue today. Donations can be made online at Contributions help to pay for medical expenses and youngsters’ individual wishes, and they are used to fund memorial scholarships.
“SMECO contributes to local organizations that support Southern Maryland residents,” said Natalie Cotton, SMECO government affairs and community relations director. “At SMECO, we are committed to our community. Supporting these organizations creates a spirit of unity and brotherhood that helps us stay connected with our members and demonstrates our dedication to the people we have unfailingly served for the past 85 years.”
CoBank’s Sharing Success program is a $5 million fund to benefit cooperatives and the charitable groups they support. As a CoBank customer, SMECO was eligible to receive matching funds to be awarded to organizations it supports. CoBank and its customers have partnered to contribute $66 million in combined donations since 2012.